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Barbaresco Rabaja DOCG - 2015 - Rocca Bruno

Barbaresco Rabaja Docg - 2015 - Rocca Bruno

Type Red
Country/Region Italy, Barbaresco
Vintage 2015
Product number: 415871
Price per bottle
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Barbaresco Rabaja DOCG - 2015 - Rocca Bruno Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites yr. 2006 Doctorwine:96 of 100 Points."Doctorwine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2006 on 21.09.2016 with 96 of 100 points."Made from Nebbiolo and aged in tonneau and other barrel sizes. This is a Barbaresco that never disappoints and is one of my favorites. It has a bright, ruby color and a very intact bouquet with a distinct fruity streak and floral sensation that is still fresh while the slightly spicy note from its youth has become perfectly integrated with a smoky one of great class. The mouthfeel is elegant, refined and has great personality with a very persistent and classy finish." yr. 2014 Luca Gardini:92 of 100 Points."Luca Gardini" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2014 on 01.10.2017 with 92 of 100 points. yr. 2014 The Wine Front:95 of 100 Points."The Wine Front" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2014 on 03.08.2017 with 95 of 100 points. yr. 2013 Decanter World Wine Awards:92 of 100 Points."Decanter World Wine Awards" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2013 on 01.01.2017 with 92 of 100 points. yr. 2012 Falstaff Magazin:92 of 100 Points."Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2012 on 25.11.2016 with 92 of 100 points. yr. 2012 Luca Gardini:89 of 100 Points."Luca Gardini" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2012 on 01.07.2016 with 89 of 100 points. yr. 2011 Vinum Wine Magazine:16 of 20 Points."Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2011 on 01.12.2015 with 16 of 20 points. yr. 2011 Falstaff Magazin:93 of 100 Points."Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2011 on 21.11.2014 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2011 Luca Gardini:97 of 100 Points."Luca Gardini" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2011 on 01.07.2014 with 97 of 100 points. yr. 2011 Huon Hooke:90 of 100 Points."Huon Hooke" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2011 on 16.05.2014 with 90 of 100 points. yr. 2010 El Mundo Vino:16 of 20 Points."El Mundo Vino" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2010 on 03.03.2014 with 16 of 20 points. yr. 2010 Wine Spectator:93 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2010 on 28.02.2014 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2010 Falstaff Magazin:93 of 100 Points."Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2010 on 22.11.2013 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2010 Luca Gardini:93 of 100 Points."Luca Gardini" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2010 on 01.07.2013 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2010 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:97 of 100 Points."Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2010 on 28.06.2013 with 97 of 100 points. yr. 2009 Wine Spectator:93 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2009 on 31.03.2013 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2009 Falstaff Magazin:91 of 100 Points."Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja, Barbaresco DOCG, Italy" from the vintage 2009 on 22.11.2012 with 91 of 100 points. yr. 2016 Falstaff:94 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2016 on 01.10.2020 with 94 of 100 points."Funkelndes Rubingranat. Ansprechende und intensive Nase, satt nach dunklen Himbeeren, im Hintergrund etwas weißer Pfeffer und Ingwer. Herzhaftes und zupackendes Tannin, sehr markant, reife Frucht, im Finale erdige Noten." yr. 2013 Falstaff:96 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2013 on 01.11.2019 with 96 of 100 points."Leuchtendes, sattes Granatrot. Generiert sich in der Nase sehr ausgewogen und mit nobler Zurückhaltung, nach Erdbeeren, würzigem, wildem Thymian und Weichsel. Dicht und präsent in Ansatz und Verlauf, fein gereifte Frucht, legt ab der Mitte des Verlaufs deutlich an Tiefe zu, fester Druck." yr. 2015 Falstaff:94 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2015 on 01.11.2019 with 94 of 100 points."Helles, glänzendes Granatrot. Sehr feine und duftige Nase, zunächst etwas heller Tabak, dann viel Erdbeere, etwas Granatapfel. Rund und geschmeidig am Gaumen, gut eingebundenes Tannin, feine Himbeernote, saftig." yr. 2014 Falstaff:95 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2014 on 01.08.2018 with 95 of 100 points."Funkelndes, intensives Granatrot. Sehr klare und offene Nase, duftet nach Waldhimbeeren, etwas Preiselbeeren, dahinter fein nach Lakritze. Salzig und satt in Ansatz und Verlauf, präsentiert viel feinmaschiges, dichtes Tannin, bleibt lange am Gaumen." yr. 2012 Falstaff:92 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2012 on 01.11.2016 with 92 of 100 points."Leuchtendes, aufhellendes Rubin-Granat. Fein gezeichnete intensive Nase, nach Himbeere und Granatapfel, nach Preiselbeeren, tiefgründig und dicht. Hat sehr intensive Frucht, dann aber etwas raues Tannin, fest und zupackend, im Finale schöner Druck." yr. 2011 Falstaff:93 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2011 on 01.11.2014 with 93 of 100 points."Intensives, leuchtendes Granatrot. Feines Spiel zwischen dezenten Gewürznoten, vor allem Anis, und reifen, dunklen Früchten, Zwetschge und dunkle Kirsche, warm. Am Gaumen dicht und präsent, öffnet sich mit feinkörnigem, straff gewebtem Tannin, im Finale nach Trüffel." yr. 2010 Falstaff:93 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2010 on 01.11.2013 with 93 of 100 points."Glänzendes, sattes Rubin mit leichtem Granatrand. Ansprechende Nase mit Noten nach Trüffel, etwas Leder, Rosenblätter und Zwetschken. Im vorderen Bereich sehr geschmeidig, zeigt viel saftige Frucht, öffnet sich mit feinmaschigem Tannin, elegant, im Finale fester Druck, salzig." yr. 2009 Falstaff:91 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2009 on 01.11.2012 with 91 of 100 points."Glänzendes Rubin mit leichtem Granatschimmer. Klare und intensive Nase, nach eingelegten Kirschen, etwas Veilchen, dann Leder, einladend. Im Ansatz schöne, präsente Frucht, öffnet sich dann mit dichtem, präsentem Tannin, breitet sich lange aus, wirkt im Finale aber noch recht bissig, herzhaft. Braucht noch Lagerung." yr. 2007 Falstaff:90 of 100 Points."Falstaff" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2007 on 01.11.2010 with 90 of 100 points."Dunkles Rubingranat. Sehr duftige Nase, wirkt fast filigran, feine Kirsche und Himbeere. Am Gaumen sehr offen und zugänglich, breit, entfaltet sich mit Nachdruck, schöne Tiefe, zeigt aber auch viel Alkohol" yr. 2016 Wine Spectator:93 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2016 on 01.04.2021 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2014 Wine Spectator:93 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2014 on 01.04.2021 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2015 Decanter World Wine Awards:91 of 100 Points."Decanter World Wine Awards" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2015 on 01.01.2021 with 91 of 100 points. yr. 2014 Wine Enthusiast:88 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2014 on 01.11.2020 with 88 of 100 points. yr. 2016 Wine Enthusiast:96 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2016 on 01.10.2020 with 96 of 100 points. yr. 2016 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:96 of 100 Points."Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2016 on 01.07.2020 with 96 of 100 points. yr. 2014 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:95 of 100 Points."Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2014 on 01.07.2020 with 95 of 100 points. yr. 2013 Wine Spectator:95 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2013 on 01.04.2020 with 95 of 100 points. yr. 2015 Wine Spectator:93 of 100 Points."Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2015 on 01.02.2020 with 93 of 100 points. yr. 2016 Decanter World Wine Awards:89 of 100 Points."Decanter World Wine Awards" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2016 on 01.01.2020 with 89 of 100 points. yr. 2015 Wine Enthusiast:95 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2015 on 01.10.2019 with 95 of 100 points. yr. 2015 Vinum Wine Magazine:17 of 20 Points."Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2015 on 01.10.2018 with 17 of 20 points. yr. 2013 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:96 of 100 Points."Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2013 on 01.06.2018 with 96 of 100 points. yr. 2013 Vinum Wine Magazine:17 of 20 Points."Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2013 on 01.11.2016 with 17 of 20 points."Lieben gelernt habe ich diesen tiefgründigen Tropfen auf einer BBQ-Poolparty. Der Wein hat schon an jenem Spätsommertag sämtliche Mitbewerber ausgestochen mit seiner" yr. 2012 Vinum Wine Magazine:15 of 20 Points."Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2012 on 01.12.2015 with 15 of 20 points."Bereits in der Nase süsse Kirschenfrucht, elegant und geschmeidiger Süsse am Gaumen, gut gemachter Einsteigerwein. Crowd Pleaser." yr. 2007 Vinum Wine Magazine:16 of 20 Points."Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2007 on 01.10.2010 with 16 of 20 points."Vom Holz dominierte Nase, am Gaumen dafür ausgewogen, Säure und Tannin in Balance, solides Fruchtfinale. Zuverlässiger Wein für viele Okkasionen." yr. 2007 Wine Enthusiast:94 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2007 on 01.01.2010 with 94 of 100 points."This year, s best expression from the celebrated Rabajà cru, Bruno Rocca presents a beautifully integrated Barbaresco that shows equal parts fruit (prune, plum and cassis) and spice (vanilla, root beer and clove). The wine is smooth, silky and very enduring on the close with excellent structure. Drink after 2015." yr. 2006 Wine Enthusiast:94 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 2006 on 01.01.2009 with 94 of 100 points."Bruno Rocca, s well- received Rabajà is extremely generous with soft tones of mature fruit, spice, vanilla, ginger and root beer. His are very well-made wines and the softness and suppleness of the texture is their most admirable quality. The finish is long and smooth and peppered with black fruit and vanilla. Drink after 2015." yr. 1999 Wine Enthusiast:95 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 1999 on 01.02.2004 with 95 of 100 points."Extraordinary stuff. The aromas practically defy description, packed with smoke, tobacco, cigar box and cured meat, all wrapped around a deep, rich core of black cherries. Picks up even more complexity in the mouth, adding vanilla, plums and dates in an expansive, mouthfilling experience, then?wham?the tannins hit home, sending you reeling and wondering when this wine will finally blossom. Great now, great 20 years from now." yr. 1996 Wine Enthusiast:88 of 100 Points."Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Bruno Rocca Rabaja" from the vintage 1996 on 01.01.2000 with 88 of 100 points."Tight as a drum and not yielding much beyond intense leather, smoke and dried cherries on a rustic, tannic frame. A young buck in need of many years. Will it eventually lose its tough-as-nails exterior or always remain dry and old-fashioned?"

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